Generated models

Below you’ll find models of every available phone case with every available variation. I generate a new batch with each significant revision of the program.

For hard cases, print with PLA+, ABS, or PETG. For soft cases, print with TPU semi-flex. Read the 3D printing guide for more tips.

Galaxy S9+

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

Junglecat rail cut tool

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

Pixel 3

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

Pixel 3XL

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

Pixel 3a

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

Pixel 4a

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

3mf file

Telescopic Joycon

3mf file

Telescopic Joycon Tablet

3mf file

Telescopic Joycon Vertical

3mf file

Telescopic Junglecat

3mf file

Telescopic Junglecat Vertical

3mf file